Location, Location, Location

Where is the best place to hang your hummingbird feeder? An ideal location for your hummingbird feeder, would be close to a window in your house so that you can watch the hummingbirds when you are indoors. It should be hung in a shady spot if possible, to keep the nectar from spoiling as soon. Hummingbirds are more likely to spot feeders that are hung  near plants that attract the hummingbirds. Keep in mind that hummingbirds are very territorial and …

Tax time and hummingbirds go together!

In Michigan, April 15th is not only tax day but it is also the time to put out our hummingbird feeders. Although the hummingbirds we see in April will probably continue on their way up north, putting out feeders will help feed them on their way.  The hummingbirds that choose to nest in our area usually arrive around Mother’s Day. Being ready for these flying jewels is essential to keeping them coming back. Since there are not a lot of flowers …

Planting Roses

May is the time to purchase & plant new roses. To plan the best location of your new roses, you need to know how many hours of sunlight will be in that spot. Most roses need at least 6 hours to thrive. You will want to plant at the end of the 2nd week of May. Dig a hole about twice the size of the container & a little deeper. Put a shovel full of composted cow manure into the hole. …

Determinate vs Indeterminate

When selecting tomato varieties, you must choose between plants with different types of growth habits called determinate or indeterminate. All tomatoes are either one or the other. Duration and form of growth are the main ways to tell the difference between determinate and indeterminate tomatoes. Determinate or bush types bear a full crop all at once and top off at a specific height. They are often good choices for container growing. determinate types are preferred by commercial growers who wish to harvest …

What is an heirloom tomato?

We hate to be the ones to tell you this, but if you’ve never had an heirloom tomato then you’ve never tasted a real tomato. A tomato is considered to be an heirloom when the seed has been saved and grown at least 50 years or more and has been passed down from generation to generation. An heirloom is also open-pollinated, which simply means the plant is capable of producing seeds that will grow a new plant identical to the parent plant …

New Tomato Varieties for 2015

Tomatoes are consistently the most popular vegetable in American gardens. From bite-size to sandwich-size, either red, yellow, or “black,” modern or old-fashioned, there is a tomato for every taste. We have added some wonderful varieties we encourage you to try this year. New Tomatoes: Mountain Merit – Resistant to early and late blight as well as tomato spotted wilt virus. Deep red 8-12oz fruit, great for slicing as well as canning. Determinate with a 4-5 week harvest. Fantastico – Resistant …

Larry’s Recommended Rose Feeding Schedule

Learn All About Roses from Larry Hill. Larry loves talking about roses and sharing his knowledge and love of roses with others. Hopefully, you have your new roses planted and are seeing some growth. It is important to remember that, like every living thing, roses need to be fed. Here is my recommended feeding schedule for your roses: Two weeks after planting, you should water with a mixture of Atlantis Fish Emulsion, mixed at the rate of two tablespoons per gallon of water. …

Larry’s Rose Care Product Recommendations

Learn All About Roses from Larry Hill. Larry loves talking about roses and sharing his knowledge and love of roses with others. Sometimes it seems there are as many kinds of rose care products as there are roses! Choosing between them can be a daunting task, especially for those who are new to rose gardening. To help ensure your success with roses, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite rose care products: Composted cow manure: It’s cost effective and won’t burn the roots of …

Using Rose Petals to Make Potpourri

The next time your roses start to wilt, instead of tossing those pretty petals in the trash, make potpourri. It’s so easy andwill make your home smell amazing. Potpourri also makes a memorable homemade gift. After dead heading your roses, you can use them to make potpourri: Pull the petals off the roses. Spread the petals out on a screen and let them dry in a warm and dry place (approximately 2 – 3 days). Separately, dry some whole rose …

Want to inspire children to eat healthy, exercise and become aware of the environment?

Get them involved in the garden. Mixing plants, soil, water and sunshine with a bunch of kids is a winning combination. And, who knows, you may be even able to get them to eat their vegetables too! A garden is a hands-on, living classroom. Gardening will teach them responsibility and patience; it helps improve life skills and helps form a positive relationship between the child and the environment. Gardening can also increase self-confidence, creativity and a love of nature all …