Wenke Greenhouses knows that beautification has a profound impact on all aspects of a community’s success.
In that effort, we have been donating plants, both flowers and vegetables, through individual donations as well as through our Good Neighbor Day Program. These donations provide many local churches, schools, non-profit organizations and local community gardens the opportunity to beautify their surroundings in an economy where flowers and plants can sometimes be last on the list or not on the list at all. Many of these organizations have been able to create successful community vegetable gardens that can then provide for those who might otherwise go without fresh produce.
On specified days, pre-approved groups may come to our retail store and choose from product that is in a staged area. There is no charge for any of this plant material. We do ask that your group recognizes Wenke Greenhouses in a newsletter, bulletin, or other type of communication that is appropriate. We will also give you a stake that has the words, “Plants donated by Wenke Greenhouses” that can be placed next to the flowers when they are planted.
Your group must fill out an application to be considered for participation. Once approved, you will then be directed to sign up for any of the Good Neighbor Days you would like to attend.
*IMPORTANT* Please allow at least 2 weeks for applications to be processed. You may not participate in any events until you receive an approval email for your organization.
Please contact Laura via email at laura@wenkegreenhouses.com if you have any questions.

2025 Good Neighbor Days
April 17, May 22, June 19, and September 25
2 pm – 5pm