thrip, mealybugs and scale on houseplant leaves

Battling Common Houseplant Pests: A Guide to Identification and Control

Houseplants bring a touch of nature indoors, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our living spaces. However, with the beauty they bring, houseplants can also attract unwanted guests—pests. Common houseplant pests can range from tiny insects to fungi and can wreak havoc on your indoor greenery if left unchecked. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most prevalent pests that affect houseplants and discuss effective methods to get rid of them. Regular inspection and prompt action are essential to maintaining …

Look Out! Japanese Beetles! (Popilia japonica)

If you have noticed the foliage slowly disappearing from your plants, you may have a problem with these bugs.  Are you ready to protect your garden? Have you noticed 1/2” long, shiny, metallic green beetles in your garden lately? Is the foliage of your plants slowly disappearing?  Chances are you might have Japanese beetles infesting your garden. Most commonly these creatures are found in the eastern half of the United States but they are moving westward.  Since the beetles attack …