Growing Asparagus in Michigan

Growing Asparagus in Michigan If you love asparagus and want to grow some yourself, waste no time in getting started. Even with the best of care, an asparagus bed won’t hit its stride for several years. But once that happens, the bed will produce an abundant crop of spears spring after spring for at least the next 15 to 20 years. Fresh from the garden, asparagus is the very essence of spring. The sweet, slender spears can be steamed, sautéed, …

Join Team Green with Kale, Swiss Chard and Spinach

Eating these three amazing green nutritional superstars, kale, swiss chard and spinach, will help you enhance your palate and your body as well. These greens can be added to almost any dish and will enhance the look of your main course while accentuating it’s flavor.  When eaten regularly, these three leafy green vegetables can help you to live a healthier life. When it comes to greens, the darker the better. Leafy greens contain vitamins and fiber which are said to help prevent lung …

Determinate vs Indeterminate

When selecting tomato varieties, you must choose between plants with different types of growth habits called determinate or indeterminate. All tomatoes are either one or the other. Duration and form of growth are the main ways to tell the difference between determinate and indeterminate tomatoes. Determinate or bush types bear a full crop all at once and top off at a specific height. They are often good choices for container growing. determinate types are preferred by commercial growers who wish to harvest …

What is an heirloom tomato?

We hate to be the ones to tell you this, but if you’ve never had an heirloom tomato then you’ve never tasted a real tomato. A tomato is considered to be an heirloom when the seed has been saved and grown at least 50 years or more and has been passed down from generation to generation. An heirloom is also open-pollinated, which simply means the plant is capable of producing seeds that will grow a new plant identical to the parent plant …

New Tomato Varieties for 2015

Tomatoes are consistently the most popular vegetable in American gardens. From bite-size to sandwich-size, either red, yellow, or “black,” modern or old-fashioned, there is a tomato for every taste. We have added some wonderful varieties we encourage you to try this year. New Tomatoes: Mountain Merit – Resistant to early and late blight as well as tomato spotted wilt virus. Deep red 8-12oz fruit, great for slicing as well as canning. Determinate with a 4-5 week harvest. Fantastico – Resistant …

Deer Resistant Vegetable and Herbs

Many gardeners have problems with Deer and other vegetarian wildlife. There aren’t any plants that are truly Deer proof. Fortunately, there are varieties that are less favorable or what we refer to as resistant. Any plant with an offensive aroma will irritate their sense of smell. They also tend to avoid plants that are fuzzy, prickly or bitter. Below are some of the best options to try.     Highly Deer- Resistant Moderately Deer-Resistant Asparagus Beets Carrots Bok Choy Cucumbers …