
Poinsettias have long been associated with Christmas and add beauty and warmth to any home during the holiday season. Poinsettias are a tropical plant with long-lived bracts (vivid color leaves) and golden yellow flowers. To ensure that your poinsettia retains its beauty, keep these tips in mind. Place in a room with bright, indirect light. Avoid temperature extremes. This includes heat from registers as well as cold drafts below 50° F. Water plant thoroughly when soil surface is dry to …

Different color orchids

Phalaenopsis Orchid

Orchids have a magical beauty and allure, with incredible colors, shapes and scents. With over 30,000 species of orchids available, it is important to know what kind of orchid you have. We are offering the Phalaenopsis Orchid. These plants are commonly referred to as “Moth Orchids” and are considered among the easiest of the orchid family to care for. Here are a few basic tips help your Phalaenopsis grow, thrive, and bloom: Temperature is important. Phalaenopsis enjoy a fairly warm climate. The …


Cyclamen plants make excellent long blooming houseplants with minimal care. The key to keeping cyclamen happy and healthy is to replicate their natural environment as closely as possible.  They should last a month or more in your home if you follow these tips…. Cyclamen need bright, indirect light and cool temperatures. Aim for day temperatures less than 68°F and night temperatures between 50° and 65°F. A good location is in a bright, north-facing window. Water the edges of the pot …

Christmas cactus

Christmas cactus is a festive, vibrant holiday plant known for its colorful tubular flowers. It is easy to care for and can be grown indoors throughout the year. Christmas cactus are triggered into bloom by a combination of day length and night time temperatures. When you receive or purchase a Christmas cactus, it has already received the proper treatment for holiday blooming this season. When you get your cactus home, keep it in bright, indirect light. Day temperatures of 70° …


Amaryllis make an unforgettable Christmas gift or an amazing decoration for your home. Following are a few basic steps that will reward you with a fantastic show. Choose a pot approximately 2 inches larger in diameter than the bulb and several inches deep. The bulb relies on adequate water and nutrients, so soil mix is important.  We recommend an airy soil mix like our Wenke Blend. This will allow appropriate water drainage. Place your bulb in the soil with the …