
Cyclamen plants make excellent long blooming houseplants with minimal care. The key to keeping cyclamen happy and healthy is to replicate their natural environment as closely as possible.  They should last a month or more in your home if you follow these tips….

  1. Cyclamen need bright, indirect light and cool temperatures. Aim for day temperatures less than 68°F and night temperatures between 50° and 65°F. A good location is in a bright, north-facing window.
  2. Water the edges of the pot because water in the crown may cause rot. Do not let your plant stand in water. Remove the metal foil the plant is wrapped in at the time of purchase and punch a hole in the bottom of the foil to allow for drainage. Use a saucer under the pot to catch water as it drains. Surplus water that isn’t absorbed within 15 minutes must be poured off.
  3. Keep a constant, even moisture supply. Do not wait until soil is dry to the touch.  Do not let the soil dry out while the plant is in bloom. This will cause the leaves to turn yellow and flowers may wilt and prematurely die. Cyclamen do require additional humidity in the winter. Try setting the pot on a tray of pebbles filled with water or possibly adding a room humidifier.
  4. Maintain good air movement around the plant to prevent disease problems.
  5. Fertilize your cyclamen with a water-soluble fertilizer recommended for use on indoor plants, mixed half strength. Apply every 2 weeks while in full leaf. Overfeeding is more likely to produce foliage than flowers.
  6. Remove spent flowers as they fade.

Please keep in mind that cyclamen leaves and tubers are toxic to cats and dogs.