Do you know the Legend of the Poinsettia?

Poinsettias are prefect for bringing Christmas into your home with their long lasting red bracts that work great in any decor setting.  They also make the ideal living gift for that person that you never know what to get for Christmas. This enchanting legend of the poinsettia dates back several centuries, to a Christmas Eve in Mexico when a little girl named Pepita had no gift to present to the Christ child at Christmas Eve Service. As Pepita walked slowly to …


Poinsettias have long been associated with Christmas and add beauty and warmth to any home during the holiday season. Poinsettias are a tropical plant with long-lived bracts (vivid color leaves) and golden yellow flowers. To ensure that your poinsettia retains its beauty, keep these tips in mind. Place in a room with bright, indirect light. Avoid temperature extremes. This includes heat from registers as well as cold drafts below 50° F. Water plant thoroughly when soil surface is dry to …

Holiday Plants – Keep or Toss?

Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get your house back in order. But what about the holiday plants that you bought or were given to you as gifts. These can make a nice addition to your home in winter. Some can even become permanent fixtures in your home. You’ll just have to decide which holiday plants are worth keeping and which to let go. Holiday plants such as poinsettia, Christmas cactus, amaryllis, cyclamen, kalanchoe and bulbs will …

Quick tips to keep you poinsettia looking good

Poinsettias are beautiful and easy to care for. Here are a few important things to remember to help keep your poinsettia looking cheerful until long after the holidays are done.  Poinsettias can get cold damage very quickly. Keep them covered when transporting them to your home. If you see black edges on the bract, it is likely caused by cold damage during transporting home. To protect the plants, it is best to use a paper sleeve that fully covers the plant. …

Despite their toxic reputation, poinsettias are not poisonous!

The great news is they’re beautiful, they’re safe and they shout Christmas so feel free to enjoy them in your home without worry! No plant is more closely associated with Christmas than the poinsettia. It is celebrated for its beauty but also feared for its toxicity. For years, poinsettias have had the bad reputation of being poisonous. However, poinsettias have undergone extensive testing and there is no evidence that they are toxic or unsafe to have in the house. The …

Reblooming your Poinsettia

If you are one of the few who saved your poinsettia in the hopes of getting it to bloom again… this is for you! The trick to getting Poinsettias to bloom is a very strict light and dark schedule. If it is not followed chances are your Poinsettia will not bloom. 1. Starting September 20th until December 1st, keep your Poinsettia in light from 8 am to 5 pm. Place in a closet with no window from 5 pm to 8 …