I was reminded again recently about how many people enjoy having hummingbirds in their garden. A friend was talking about how she wanted a specific plant to put by the feeder just so that she could attract these beautiful birds and enjoy watching them. Attracting hummingbirds is relatively easy to do with certain plants and a few garden basics. Hummingbirds are attracted to brightly colored blooms and are especially fond of tubular shapes which allow them to stick their beaks inside. Red is a …
Attract Butterflies and Hummingbirds with Columbine!
With beautiful bell-shaped flowers, Columbine is an excellent garden perennial with many colorful hybrid varieties to choose from. Its distinctive, bell-shaped, spurred flowers, bloom from mid-spring to early summer. Columbine self-seeds prolifically giving you many volunteer seedlings. With a wide choice of hybrid varieties, colors range from light pastels to bright yellow, red, orange and purple selections. The plant’s foliage has an attractive lacy appearance. Intricate little flowers, they are most commonly a combination of red, peach, and yellow but …
Hummingbird Favorites
A = Annual B = Biennial P = Perennial Vines: Honeysuckle (P), Trumpet (P), Morning Glory (A), Scarlet Runner Bean (A), Trumpet Creeper (P), Cardinal Climber (A), Clematis (P), Weigela (P), Mandevilla A), Mina lobata (firecracker vine) (A) Shrubs: Glossy Abelia (P), Azalea – All (P), Beauty Bush (P), Butterfly Bush – Buddleia (A), Coralberry (P), Flowering Currant (P), Tatarian Honeysuckle (P), & Yellow Honeysuckle (L. flava), Flowering Quince (P), Rose of Sharon (P), Lilac (P), …
Hummingbird Favorites (extensive list)
Wenke Wisdom Hummingbird Garden Genus Common Name Acanthus spinosus Bear’s Breeches (P) Achillea Yarrow (P) Agapanthus Hardy Blue African Lily (P bulb) Agastache Anise Hyssop (Herb) (P) Ageratum Ageratum (A & P) Ajuga Bugleweed – Carpet bugle …
Create a Hummingbird Garden
The ruby throat is our only hummingbird in Michigan. The primary element in a successful hummingbird garden are bright tubular nectar rich blossoms. Gardens can be supplemented with feeders but hummingbirds will always choose their natural food source first. Hummingbirds also appreciate a nearby spot of shade for rest. Hummingbirds do not use bird baths. Hummingbirds bathe on the “fly.” If possible, provide a mister or overhead sprinkler for them to fly through. When creating your hummingbird garden try using …