Create A Butterfly Garden

To create a successful butterfly garden certain key elements are needed. Providing food, water and shelter will attract the greatest variety of butterflies. A diverse combination of host and nectar plants will provide food for caterpillars and adults. Keep an area of soil or a flat container of sand moist as a water source. Butterflies do appreciate a shady spot to rest on hot days. Provide a few flat stones in the sun at the gardens edge for warming wings for flight. Below are plants recommended to attract these winged beauties.



Alcea Rosea Achillea
Amorpha Asclepias-Common Milkweed/Butterfly Weed
Antirrhinum Major Asters
Aquilegia Coreopsis
Artemisia Cosmos
Aster Echinacea
Baptisia Eupatorium-Boneset/Joe Pye
Cassia Lavandula
Chelone Liatris
Dill Monarda
Fennel-Bronze & Sweet Phlox
Grasses Rudbeckia
Lupinus Salvia
Malva Sedum
Petroselinum Solidago
Sedges Viola
Sedum Zinnia

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