Pansy Care

Pansies are the best kept secret for fall landscapes. Being winter hardy like mums, pansies will survive the frost and the cold winter nights of Michigan. With very little care, pansies will provide beautiful color in fall and again the following spring. Please Note – Pansies will not survive the winter in containers. They must be planted in the ground. It is not recommended to keep them more than one year as they dislike hot weather and get very leggy and untidy …

Cold Tolerant Annuals for Fall Color

To extend the beauty of your garden into autumn and put some color back into your landscape, consider planting some cold-tolerant annuals.  Many of these can take temperatures to 20° F.  As our seasons change, so can your garden by highlighting these beautiful tough plants in your beds, borders and containers. Ageratum Nemesia Argyranthemum Nicotiana Asters Osteospermum Bracteantha Petunia Calendula Phlox (annual) Calibrachoa Rudbeckia Cyclamen Salvia, Victoria and greggii Diascia Stock Gazania Verbena canadensis Lobelia     Frost hardy annuals …