Hardy Hibiscus: Plate-size flowers will make you the envy of the neighborhood!

Hardy perennial hibiscus (also called rose mallow) are showstoppers in my late-summer garden. Huge plate-size flowers in shades of pink, red or white burst forth from stout plants in late July/early August.

Although the individual flowers only last a day, the succession of flowers can last for up to eight weeks.  These amazing blooms have prompted many strangers to knock on my door to inquire about the bush with flowers the size of dinner plates. These Hibiscus flowers are amazing conversation pieces and many people cannot believe the size of the flowers.

So, WOW your friends and your garden by planting your own Hardy Hibiscus. They’re easy to grow. All they ask is full sun, decent soil (they’re adaptable), and some pruning once in awhile. They leaf out very late in spring, so don’t think they’re dead and chop them down. Be patient, and in a few weeks you’ll have attractive foliage and soon thereafter a summer full of spectacular blooms.

Growing Tips:

  • Hibiscus need sunlight to bloom.  Full sun (8+ hours per day) are best.  They really won’t flower until the natural daylight is 14 hours long.
  • Hibiscus prefer a more moist soil condition but will tolerate dry conditions.
  • Fertilize every week or two during the growing season.  Just a good, all-purpose fertilizer is fine.  Stop fertilizing in the fall.
  • Deadheading Hibiscus flowers will keep plants blooming longer. Spent Hibiscus flowers will turn mushy, so removing them will keep your plant looking beautiful.
  • Pruning Hibiscus is done primarily in the spring to reduce the plant’s height and will encourage a fuller appearance. I usually cut my plants back by ½ in early June to avoid having to stake them.
  • In late fall, cut the foliage back to soil level.