Container gardens have the power to completely transform your living spaces, making front doors, back decks, and patios feel more inviting and vibrant. At Wenke Greenhouses, we offer a wide selection of pre-potted container gardens, but we can also take it a step further by creating custom designs just for you. Our team will craft container gardens tailored to your style, preferences, and sun or shade requirements. Free In-Store Consultation – Visit Wenke Greenhouses and meet with one of our …
Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control
Tired of unwelcome insect guests crashing your indoor garden party? Fear not! Bonide’s got your back with a secret weapon that sends bugs packing without breaking a sweat. Say “adios” to aphids, scale, mealybugs, and whiteflies – they won’t even know what hit ’em! BONIDE Systemic Houseplant Insect Control provides insect control for up to 8 weeks. Protects plants from aphids, whiteflies, and other listed insects. -Protect your plants from insect pests for up to 8 weeks-Protects from aphids, whiteflies, …
Do you know the Legend of the Poinsettia?
Poinsettias are prefect for bringing Christmas into your home with their long lasting red bracts that work great in any decor setting. They also make the ideal living gift for that person that you never know what to get for Christmas. This enchanting legend of the poinsettia dates back several centuries, to a Christmas Eve in Mexico when a little girl named Pepita had no gift to present to the Christ child at Christmas Eve Service. As Pepita walked slowly to …
Clever ways to use your Christmas Tree after the holidays.
The holidays have come and gone and we’re all getting ready to take down the decorations. But instead of tossing out that real Christmas tree, we’ve compiled some clever reuse ideas. 1. Mulch… Pine needles dry quickly and decompose slowly, making them an excellent moisture- and mold-free mulch for ground-covering crops, such as strawberries, to rest on. 2. Create a bird sanctuary… Place your tree in its stand outdoors. Fill bird feeders and hang them from the boughs, or drape the tree with …
Battling Common Houseplant Pests: A Guide to Identification and Control
Houseplants bring a touch of nature indoors, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our living spaces. However, with the beauty they bring, houseplants can also attract unwanted guests—pests. Common houseplant pests can range from tiny insects to fungi and can wreak havoc on your indoor greenery if left unchecked. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most prevalent pests that affect houseplants and discuss effective methods to get rid of them. Regular inspection and prompt action are essential to maintaining …
Keeping a Garden Journal
A garden journal serves as a valuable tool for documenting your horticultural adventures, learning from successes and challenges, and creating a legacy of your green haven.
Winter To-do list
Anyone who thinks that gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year; for gardening begins in January with a dream – Josephine Neuse
How to Cover Plants for Frost Protection
QUESTION: What is the best cover to use to protect outdoor plants from the cold air — fabric or plastic? Threat of frost usually occurs overnight when the temperature drops low enough to freeze the moisture on plant leaves and buds. To protect plants from frost, you will need to cover them to keep the moisture from freezing. While an unexpected frost can leave many gardeners scrambling to find anything to cover their tender plants; it is important to use the …
Advantages of Fall Planting
Additional Color for Your Gardens and Great Root Growth We are often asked “What are the advantages of planting perennials and shrubs in the fall?” Fall is a great time to plant perennials and shrubs due to cooler temperatures which put less stress on the plant and enable root systems to grow faster and larger. When we plant in the spring, all plants, perennials, annuals, shrubs, etc. are pushed to get a healthy mass of roots established so they can …
Holiday Plants – Keep or Toss?
Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get your house back in order. But what about the holiday plants that you bought or were given to you as gifts. These can make a nice addition to your home in winter. Some can even become permanent fixtures in your home. You’ll just have to decide which holiday plants are worth keeping and which to let go. Holiday plants such as poinsettia, Christmas cactus, amaryllis, cyclamen, kalanchoe and bulbs will …