Get Ready To Shine The Light On Color In The Shade! Bright RedSalmonViolet ShadeWhiteHome gardeners can rely on Beacon Impatiens for season-long performance and fast fill in gardens. New! Beacon Impatiens from PanAmerican Seed offers high resistance to Impatiens downy mildew for healthy gardens all season. You can rely on Beacon to thrive. Beacon Impatiens offers high resistance to the currently known and widely prevalent populations of Plasmopara obducens, which cause Impatiens downy mildew, offering the opportunity to bring back …
Brunnera Jack Frost – a Terrific Shade Perennial!
This plant is terrific for adding color to shade gardens plus it’s deer resistant and easy to grow. When you think of shade gardens, most people think of hostas. I’m a believer in hostas also but I must say that I have found a new best friend in Brunnera Jack Frost. This variety has beautiful silver like leaves that almost shimmer. I might go so far as to say they glow in a shade garden. In the early spring, Jack Frost …
Perennials Tolerant of Wet Shade
Genus Common Name Aruncus dioicus Sylvan Goatsbeard Astilbe False Spirea Astrantia major Masterwort Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold Chelone Turtlehead Cimicifuga Bugbane Eupatorium Joe Pye Weed Filipendula Meadowsweet or Queen of the Prarie Funkia Hosta Genriana andrewsii Closed Gentian Ligularia Golden Ray Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower Lobelia siphilitica Great Blue Lobelia Lysimachia Loosestrife Matteuccia s. var. Pennsylvania Ostrich Fern Miscanthus ‘purpurascens’ Red Flame Miscanthus Grass Myosotis scorpioides Forget-Me-Not Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive Fern Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon Fern Osmunda claytoniana Interrupted Fern Osmunda …
Perennials Tolerant of Dry Shade
Genus Species Acanthus mollis Common Bear’s Breeches Adonis amurensis Amur Adonis Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegatum’ Bishop’s Weed Anemone x hybrida Japanese Anemone Arum italicum ‘Pictum’ Arum Lilly Aster cordifolius Heart-leaved Aster Aster divaricatus White Wood Aster Bergenia Bergenia Brunnera macrophylla False Forget-Me-Not Colchicum Autumn Crocus Convallaria majalis Lily of the Valley Cornus canadensis Bunchberry Corydalis lutea Yellow Fumitory Cyclamen Hardy Cyclamen Dennstaedtia punctilobula Hay Scented Fern Deschampsia flexuosa Crinkled Hairgrass Disporum Fairy Bells Dryopteris filixmas Male Fern Dpimedium Barrenwort Eranthis Winter …