Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get your house back in order. But what about the holiday plants that you bought or were given to you as gifts. These can make a nice addition to your home in winter. Some can even become permanent fixtures in your home. You’ll just have to decide which holiday plants are worth keeping and which to let go. Holiday plants such as poinsettia, Christmas cactus, amaryllis, cyclamen, kalanchoe and bulbs will …
Amaryllis make an unforgettable Christmas gift or an amazing decoration for your home. Following are a few basic steps that will reward you with a fantastic show. Choose a pot approximately 2 inches larger in diameter than the bulb and several inches deep. The bulb relies on adequate water and nutrients, so soil mix is important. We recommend an airy soil mix like our Wenke Blend. This will allow appropriate water drainage. Place your bulb in the soil with the …