A host of golden daffodils…
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
~William Wordsworth
Many of my early spring memories evolve around neat little gardens filled with hyacinth, tulips and daffodils. When I was just a kid, one of our neighbors prided herself on her selection of bulbs: one tulip, one daffodil and one hyacinth planted at 10 inch intervals along her walkway. I couldn’t wait to see those flowers bloom every spring.
Times have changed and now I like to plant my bulbs in groupings, 9-15 at a time and then let them slowly naturalize for full enjoyment. I love planting snowdrops and crocus under a tree… and purple alliums really add that WOW factor to my garden! Most people don’t even know what an allium is and will stop to see if they are real. One guy even told me they looked like something out of a Dr. Seuss book. Try planting a few Giganteum Allium – they are about the size of a softball and are simply stunning. (Bonus:Since they are in the onion family, they are also naturally deer & rodent resistant.)
One of the first bulbs to come up in my garden are the giant crocus. The cheery yellow and/or purple gives me hope that Winter is on its way out. These would be beautiful planted underneath a Red Twig Dogwood and the contrast would be amazing. Then come the daffodils…starting with early bloomers and continuing throughout Spring with many varieties and colors. Everyone loves to see these sunny yellow or white flowers. Daffodils can really stand up to the cold and are deer & rodent resistant. Have you ever felt that you simply can’t wait for spring? Tête-á-Tête daffodils shares your sentiments, and will burst into flower as soon as it possibly can. These miniature daffodils only get about 8” tall and their early bloom time will prove to you that spring is truly on the way. These would also be perfect to plant in a pot or window box.
Now is a great time to start planting bulbs. Rule of thumb, dig a hole three times the height of the bulb. Try to plant the bulbs before a rainy day, that way they will be nestled in nicely. If not rainy, then water them in thoroughly. I like treating myself to a new bulb variety each year – it gives me something to look forward to every year!