Perennials – Long Bloomers

  1. Achillea – Yarrow
  2. Alchemilla mollis – Lady’s Mantle
  3. Aster – Purple Dome
  4. Buddleia – Butterfly bush, all varieties and colors are equally long blooming
  5. Coreopsis – Moonbeam and Zagreb
  6. Corydalis lutea – Yellow varieties
  7. Hemerocallis – Daylily, Stella d’Oro, Purple d’Oro, any variety that states reblooms
  8. Dicentra exima – Bleeding Heart
  9. Echinacea purpurea – Coneflowers, all colors
  10. Eryngium – Sea Holly
  11. Hardy Geranium – sanguineum Rozanne
  12. Heliopsis helianthoides – False Sun Flower
  13. Hibisucs moscheutos – Hardy Hibiscus
  14. Lavendula – Lavender require full sun, Hidcote and Munstead
  15. Leucanthemum – Shasta Daisy
  16. Nepeta x faassenii – Catmint, Walkers Low
  17. Perovskia – Russian Sage
  18. Phlox paniculata – Garden Phlox
  19. Rudbeckia fulgida – Goldstrum, Goldilocks and Indian Summer
  20. Salvia x superba – May Night
  21. Scabiosa – Pincushion Flower, Butterfly Blue and Pink Mist
  22. Sedum – Autumn Joy
  23. Tradescantia – Spiderwort
  24. Veronica – Speedwell, Sunny Border Blue