Heirloom Marriage™ Tomatoes

A new twist on old garden favorites

Tomatoes are some of the most versatile veggies and Wenke Greenhouse offers many different varieties for you to choose from, each with a delicious and different flavor and purpose they work best for; whether it’s a fresh garden salsa, creamy homemade tomato sauce or canning for later use.

New for 2017; we will have available some  Heirloom Marriage™ tomatoes. These “heirloom hybrids” consist of two top-tasting heirlooms have been crossed to create a hybrid with better yields, earlier-ripening fruits and fewer blemishes than either of the parents. We will carry 4 different Heirloom Marriage™ tomatoes.

  • Genuwine is an early-maturing red slicer that’s a cross of ‘Costoluto Genovese’ and the taste-test all-star ‘Brandywine.’ Ready to harvest 12 to 19 days earlier than Brandywine. Indeterminate.
  • Big Brandy is a pink beefsteak type that’s a cross of ‘Big Dwarf’ and ‘Brandywine.’ A tasty pink beefsteak; Produces clean, beautiful fruit with 2-3 times the yield. Indeterminate.
  • Cherokee Carbon is a cross of “Cherokee Purple” and “Carbon”.  A gorgeous dusky purple beefsteak with rich, complex flavor.  Indeterminate.
  • Marzinera is a cross of San Marzano and Cream Sausage. Meaty, 2 to 3 oz., bright red roma/paste fruits are great for salsas, canning and cooking. Indeterminate.

Under normal conditions which include warm summer temperatures and full sunny location each variety will begin fruiting accordingly: Big Brandy 75-80 days, Genuwine 70-75 days, Cherokee Carbon 75-80 Days, Marzinera 70-75 Days . After these reach 12-16 inches tall they will need some means of support. A large cage is recommended.