What Can I Plant Now? Cool Season Flowers and Vegetables for April and Early May

We are often asked “What can I plant now while it is still cool and our spring weather is somewhat unpredictable?” Listed below are a few options that have proven to do well in Michigan with our fluctuating spring temperatures. These plants are tolerant of dips in evening temperatures and perform well in cooler weather. ANNUALS Ranunculus – An annual in our growing zone, are brilliantly colored flowers with multiple layers of crepe-paper like petals. The leaves of the plants …

Echinacea is a must have perennial

Echinacea – also known as coneflower – is a terrific perennial for Michigan flower beds. Beautiful, butterfly attracting, deer resistant flowers bloom most of the summer in sunny locations.  New colors and new varieties make this plant one of the best choices.  Echinacea sounds more like a disease than a plant you would want in your garden.  And if you read the Wikipedia description, it still seems like something to stay away from.  Maybe that’s why people commonly refer to it …

Nepeta ‘Catmint’ is a must have perennial for the garden

Nepeta (Catmint) are some of our best garden perennials, as they are long lived, very easy-to-grow, animal resistant and they feature a profusion of color in various shades of blue. When Nepeta’s stems are broken, they release an aroma into the air that tends to attract cats, thus its common name, Catmint. Nepeta loves sun and tolerates dry conditions. Cut back to the ground at the end of winter. One of the best plants to edge or plant under a …

Penstemon for hot, sunny locations

Penstemon is a western United States native that has colorful tubular flowers on tall spikes. This prairie plant thrives in hot, sunny conditions and is a stunning addition to wildflower plantings. Another common name is Beardtongue. The beauty and regal presence of Penstemon in bloom is unmatched by few other perennials. Growing Penstemon is straightforward, as they are extremely resilient and are excellent naturalizing plants when encouraged to re-seed themselves. Best of all, Penstemon’s nectar-rich flowers are indispensable to pollinators like …

Bloomerang Lilacs – They Rebloom!

Enjoy the fragrance of lilacs for months instead of weeks. While traditional lilac varieties bloom for a few short weeks in spring, Bloomerang’s fragrant flowers continue until frost. This vigorous grower will add beauty and fragrance to gardens from spring to fall. When planted in mass they make a great choice for hedges as well. Just like all lilacs, the Bloomerang® will attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden, but the Deer won’t care for the taste! And while it …

Dianthus: A Classic, Fragrant Perennial

These popular perennials have been cultivated for centuries, and their blossoms add a nostalgic flair to any mixed flower bouquet. They are often called Pinks because their serrated petals seem to have been trimmed with pinking shears. Enjoy the blooms’ sweet clove perfume at the front of the border where they perch above mounds of lovely gray-green foliage. If cut back after flowering, many varieties deliver a second wave of bloom. Dianthus perform best in full sun and well-drained soil. …

Peonies make me happy!

Peonies are an old fashioned favorite perennial!  They are loved for their heavily-scented beautiful, extra large blooms and survive quite well in our Michigan gardens. Peonies come in four flower forms – Single, Semi-double, Double and Japanese (Anemone). The flowers will become fuller as the plant matures. Peonies make an excellent cut flower. After flowering, the plant can provide size and texture to the perennial garden and are a deer resistant.  Peonies perform best when planted in well draining, loamy soil with …

It’s easy to grow and care for air plants!

Air plants don’t require soil, need only moderate light, and a good soak every once in a while. They are beautiful in terrariums and make a very affordable gift for any occasion and we have a wonderful selection available right now. Their unique appearance and growth habit make them great conversation starters. They can bring a bit of character and/or whimsy to any room. They are so easy to grow that they are the perfect starter plants for kids and …

Attract butterflies and hummingbirds with Columbine!

With beautiful bell-shaped flowers, Columbine is an excellent garden perennial with many colorful hybrid varieties to choose from. Its distinctive, bell-shaped, spurred flowers, bloom from mid-spring to early summer. Columbine self-seeds prolifically giving you many volunteer seedlings. With a wide choice of hybrid varieties, colors range from light pastels to bright yellow, red, orange and purple selections. The plant’s foliage has an attractive lacy appearance. Intricate little flowers, they are most commonly a combination of red, peach, and yellow but …

Every flower gardener should know the pleasure of growing clematis!

If you’ve ever seen a clematis in full bloom, you know this perennial can be a real showstopper! Clematis are sturdy flowering vines that produce gorgeous star-shaped flowers in a variety of colors with various size flowers. Many gardeners like to plant them around the mailbox or on an arbor or trellis. I have even seen them used as a ground cover. However you choose to use yours, clematis is one plant that every gardener should make room to grow. …