
Resources & Links

Click on any of the following links to access the related site. If you have suggestions for additional sites, please contact us.

All Recipes

Allrecipes is the #1 place for recipes, cooking tips, and how-to food videos—all rated and reviewed by millions of home cooks. Allrecipes makes it easy to find what you are looking for.


America in Bloom

America in Bloom envisions communities across the country as welcoming and vibrant places to live, work, and play – benefiting from colorful plants and trees; enjoying clean environments; celebrating heritage; and planting pride through volunteerism. America in Bloom promotes nationwide beautification through education and community involvement by encouraging the use of flowers, plants, trees, and other environmental and lifestyle enhancements.


Ball Horticulture
For over 100 years, Ball Horticultural Company has held an unwavering commitment to provide professional growers with innovative products and exceptional service. A family-owned business since it was founded in 1905, Ball has grown from a one-man operation into a world leader in the research, production and marketing of ornamental crops. Today Ball is known around the globe for the superior varieties it supplies as seed, plugs, young plants and cuttings.


BloomIQ is free, online tools that helps novice and experienced gardeners design beautiful window boxes, planters, and gardens. BloomIQ’s mission is to connect breeders, growers, and retailers with people who love flowers and plants to provide the information needed for a rewarding experience.


Cornell Cooperative Extension
Grafting can significantly increase tomato yields and increase plant resistance to soil-borne diseases. Judson Reid, Extension Vegetable Specialist with the Cornell Vegetable Program has developed a step-by-step tutorial for growers on how to graft tomatoes.

Watch the video and download the factsheet for more information on the grafting process, common rootstocks and scions, important growing tips, and sources for grafting supplies.

GrowIt! App!-garden-socially/id890645085?ls=1&mt=8

GrowIt!™ lets you Garden Socially, for free. Whether you want to show off your plants, or find something that will work in your garden there’s something for every type of gardener. Be sure to follow Wenke Greenhouse’s profile for product information and helpful tips.

National Garden Bureau

The National Garden Bureau is dedicated to the dissemination of accurate information so that home gardeners can successfully grow flowers and vegetables from seed.


Master Gardener/MSU Extension

An awesome group dedicated to helping others be successful in their gardening efforts. We love all types of gardening and are proud to make our community a better place to live! provides information on garden centers all over the country. Want to improve your quality of life? Get your hands dirty and plant something. That’s right, putting trees, flowers or shrubs in the ground doesn’t just provide you with beauty and shade, it can also improve your property value, lower your energy costs, clean the air and water-even lower your heart rate.


Suntory Collection is the official website authorized by Suntory® Flowers Limited. Explore your creativity using the virtual flower planting designer for your garden or patio.


Wave Petunias
First came Wave Purple…unveiled to the world in 1995, this All-America Selections Winner showed off splashy, 3-inch (7 cm) blossoms the full length of every branch. As a ground cover, this stunner spread up to 4 (1.2 m) feet in beds, well beyond the usual 15 inches (38 cm) of standard petunias. The world of petunias would never be the same! The overwhelming reaction from gardeners, landscapers and professional growers everywhere: Give us more Wave!

When it comes to Ride The Wave petunias, there really is something for every gardening use…baskets, containers, landscapes, singles, doubles, spreading, hedgiflora…even vining. All deliver loads of blooms in great colors and excellent garden performance. Take your pick from the Wave™, Easy Wave™, Tidal Wave™ and Double Wave™ petunia series.